
Dmv written test cheat sheets
Dmv written test cheat sheets

dmv written test cheat sheets

It is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol consumption (BAC) that is _ or higher.When you see this yellow sign, you should … be prepared to stop if children are in the crosswalk.You are driving in the far right lane of a four-lane freeway and notice thick broken white lines on the left side of your lane.Your wheels should be pointed straight ahead, unless you are: … parked on a hill or sloping driveway.When you change or merge with another lane, you: … need at least a 4-second gap in traffic.Which statement is true about motorcyclists and motorists? … motorcyclists have the same rights/responsibilities as other motorists.This white sign means: … look, listen, and prepare to stop at the crossing, if necessary.If you have a green light, but traffic is blocking the intersection: … stay out id the intersection and wait until traffic clears.you may legally pass on the right: … if there is enough road between the curb and the vehicle You are on a two-way road and the vehicle ahead of you is turning left into a driveway.you should: … pull to the right in the intersection and stop You are crossing an intersection and an emergency vehicle is approaching with a siren and flashing lights.You are required to wear your safety belt in a moving vehicle: … and failure to do so will result in a traffic ticket.

dmv written test cheat sheets

  • This red and white sign means: … you may not enter the road from your direction.
  • If you are unable to see the road ahead while driving because of heavy fog and your wipers do not help, you should: … pull off the road completely until visibility improves.
  • Which of the following is true about safety belts and collisions? … they increase your chances of survival in most types of collisions.
  • Whose responsibility is it to know how your medications affect your driving? … yours.
  • dmv written test cheat sheets

    If you approach a curve or the top of a hill and you do not have a clear view of the road ahead, you should: … slow down so you can stop if necessary.Who has the right-of-way at an intersection with no crosswalks? … pedestrians always have the right-of-way.before getting out of your car, you should: … look for cars or bicycles on the traffic side of your vehicle You park your car at the curb on a level two-way street.Even if you know your vehicle can maneuver a sharp curve at the legal speed limit, you should still slow down because: … there may be a stalled car or collision ahead that you can’t see.Allow extra space in front of your vehicle when following a: … large tour bus.you should dim your lights when you are within 500 feet of: … a vehicle approaching you from behind You are driving at night on a dimly lit street and using high beams.When sharing the road with a light rail vehicle: … never turn in front of an approaching light rail vehicle.It is a good habit to signal continuously during the last 100 feet before you turn at an intersection: … even if you do not see any other vehicles around.You must make a written report of traffic accident occurring in California (SR 1) to DMV if you: … are involved in a collision and there is more than $750 in damages.Smoking inside a vehicle when a person younger than 18 years of age is present is: … illegal at all times.You should adjust your rear view and side view mirrors: … before you start driving.When a traffic signal light isn’t working at an intersection, you should: … come to a complete stop then proceed when it is safe.When is it legal to use a cell phone without a hands-free device while driving? … when making a call for emergency assistance.For which of the following traffic lights must you always stop your vehicle? … solid red lights, flashing red lights, and blacked-out traffic signals.you should: … signal during the last 100 feet before you turn You are getting ready to make a right turn.

    dmv written test cheat sheets

  • You must notify DMV within 5 days if you: … sell or transfer your vehicle.
  • … 0.08% – eight hundredths of one percent
  • It is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that is _ or higher.
  • Looking for state specific cheat sheets? Click on your state below: Alabama
  • Step 3: Read through the DMV test cheat sheet below.
  • Step 2: Practice 150+ DMV permit test questions.
  • Step 1: Read State new driver’s handbook.

  • Dmv written test cheat sheets