
Supergirl season 1 recap
Supergirl season 1 recap

supergirl season 1 recap

Zor-El is resistant, but it's clear he's fixed on saving Earth because he couldn't save Krypton.

supergirl season 1 recap

After it was announced by The CW earlier this year, Kelly Olsen finally becomes the new Guardian in this. Brainy decides to give him a virus to shut him down. Supergirl Recap: Heres Everything You Missed in 'Blind Spots'. Oscar's energy core is also getting hotter and hotter so it could explode like a nuclear bomb. It turns out, he's connected to some Daxamate technology that cloaks him. Supergirl and J'onn go looking for him as his programming has been corrupted. Initially, all goes perfectly, but soon enough, garbage begins to attach itself to Oscar and he just keeps getting larger and larger and they are unable to recall him or find him on satellite. J'onn has concerns, but Zor-El wants to act now.

supergirl season 1 recap

They return to the Tower with an upgraded Kelex called Oscar (named for Oscar the Grouch) that can essentially shrink trash and convert it to energy that it will then absorb and render harmless. Supergirl Season 1 Episode 7 Recap an Review With the Arrow/Flash crossover episodes taking place in the same week as episode 7 of Supergirl there was always going to be a lot of competition.

#Supergirl season 1 recap how to#

In the Fortress, Zor-El is excited to see that she has a Kelex and he then realizes he has an idea of how to save the Earth's oceans. The fire on the island has reignited as well and it turns out, there's Dominator tech to blame. He's discovered that the Earth is on the same path to destruction as Krypton was as the oceans are dying. When Kara tries to work the story, it gives her flashbacks, but her father calls her to the Tower. Andrea is fixated on boosting the ratings and getting an exclusive Supergirl to do it. CatCo's stock is falling and she's deeply fixated on the Supergirl and Phantoms story. Kara tries to sell Andrea on the trash island story, but she gives the story to William instead. But, it had a lot of heart and humanity and that goes a. At times, it was messy and very clunky and most of the villains of the week were forgettable. They discover a large island of trash made up of the old DEO off the coast that's covered in toxic chemicals. Supergirl ‘s first season was far from perfect. Zor-El and Supergirl take off to stop the satellite from crashing into the city with Supergirl giving her father a few quick lessons on how to use his powers in the process. Outside, Nia and Zor-El are talking when he notices something falling from the sky.

Supergirl season 1 recap